Ireland's leading Private Investigation firm since 1976
With over 40 years of experience and as a fellow member of the World Association of Professional Investigators
(WAPI), Private Security Authority, Special Investigation Bureau Éire is highly experienced and qualified to assist
with your private investigation case.
Founder Liam A. Brady was elected a Fellow of the World Association of Professional Investigators because of his outstanding contribution to the profession. And because of his trustworthy and honest character, Liam was also appointed Peace Commissioner by the Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform and Commissioner for Oaths by the Supreme Court of Ireland. Anyone who has been charged with or convicted of a serious offence would not be considered for these roles.
Over the years, Liam has also campaigned vigorously for regulation and supervision within the profession, constantly pushing for higher standards within the industry.

Results: Our firm has an enviable track record and we can furnish outstanding references
Experience: 40+ years and the ability to draw on a team of diverse specialists according to the requirements of a given situation.
Good Character and Clean Record: Seems obvious, but you are considering disclosing intimate and potentially damaging information. Trust and character are critical.
Ability to provide testimony: We have been involved in many court cases. How information is gathered and the credibility and professionalism of the investigating firm are as important as the facts learned. Especially if the case might end up in Court.
Intelligent, resourceful and good judge of character: These are the traits which differentiate a professional from an amateur. Our firm takes great pride in both our track record and the successes we have achieved on behalf of our clients.

The following is the Code of Ethics for Special Investigation Bureau Éire.
It governs our conduct in performing engagements on behalf of clients.
To perform my duty to the highest professional standard and to be guided by the principles of truth, accuracy and prudence
To maintain the highest principles of honesty, sincerity, integrity and morality and not to bring the profession into disrepute
To always respect and preserve forever the privacy and confidentiality of my client’s information and to safeguard against disclosure
To conduct my work without bias as to racial, sexual, religious, social or political affiliations and without regard to economic status, physical or mental abilities
To ascertain that I know the identity of my client
To act at all times in the best interests of my client
To conduct my duties within the law
To ensure that my client has legal and rightful reason to pursue the investigation
To keep my client informed as to progress on a regular basis
To disclose all relevant information gathered in the course of the investigation to my client whether it be favourable or otherwise to the matter under investigation
To apply the highest standards of objectivity and to avoid sensationalism, exaggeration or any form of misrepresentation in the presentation of facts
To provide truthful indication in advance as to costs and to provide regular update as to costs and expenses incurred in the course of an investigation and to render on conclusion a factual report
To ensure that any parties employed or contracted in the course of the investigation are likewise bound by this Code of Ethics